…for we are very deaf

Lord, we confess our day to day failure to be truly human.

Lord, we confess to you.

Lord, we confess that we often fail to love with all we have and are,
often because we do do not fully understand what loving means,
often because we are afraid of risking ourselves.

Lord, we confess to you.

Lord, we cut ourselves off from each other and we erect barriers of division.

Lord, we confess to you.

Lord, we confess by silence and ill-considered word

We have built up walls of prejudice.

Lord, we confess that by selfishness and lack of sympathy
we have stiffeled generosity and left little time for others.

Holy Spirit speak to us.
Help us listen to your word of forgiveness,
for we are very deaf.

Come, fill this moment, and free us from sin.


-Methodist Hymnal ‘Prayer of Confession and Pardon’ #893

patience with oursleves

“Lord, mold us and form us into the kind of people you want us to be.

Be patient with us when we fall short of what love demands of us.

And give us patience with ourselves.

Catch us in the arms of your grace.”


-Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals